NASA TechRise

GHS Students win NASA TechRise Challenge

Congratulations to Rebecca Ambrose and the following students who are 1 of 60 winners from around the country of the NASA TechRise Student Challenge: Zachary Bourgoinm, Baxter Flagg, Everett Hurder, Riley McCallister, and Carter Taiani!

These students teamed up under Ms. Ambrose’s guidance to submit the following idea:

The investigation we are planning to conduct is an attempt to find more cost-effective spacesuit materials. We learned that the production of a single spacesuit can cost upwards of $20 million dollars. We are investigating the extent to which Mylar insulation, a key component in the creation of spacesuits, will be able to shield our sensors from ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. We are planning to test at least one other form of material, in order to compare its performance to that of Mylar. Ideally, we would like to create our own alternate form of insulation. We will graph the changes in UV radiation levels and temperature for both materials as they relate to the balloon’s altitude. 

Competition winners receive $1,500 to build their payloads and an assigned spot on a NASA-sponsored commercial flight test. This is an incredible achievement and opportunity for our students and our school!